6 Must-have Resources for the Magento Certified Developer Exam

Dennis Walters
2 min readAug 19, 2015


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1. Magento Certified Developer Study Guide

You must scan through this before starting doing anything. This document from Magento lists all topics covered in certification exam and provides you some sample questions for you to know about the format. However it was published in 2013, there’ll be new aspects that the material could not cover.

Download the study guide here.

2. Magestore’s 2 Ebooks

These ebooks were written by certified Magento developers on how to pass Magento exam effortlessly, step by step. You’ll find essential tips and suggestions from the fore-riders, and they’re illustrated extremely detailed with examples. Even if you’re just about to start, it does not matter at all.

Find the 2 ebooks here:

Magento Made Easy

Magento Certification Study Guide

3. Magento U courses

Magento provides several courses with multiple modules and level for you to choose. The fee ranges from zero (free course) to a couple of thousand dollars. However, its quality is undeniable!

4. Magento.Stackexchange

This is a Question-Answer platforms similar to Quora, however there’s a small site for Magento community where you can raise questions about any topic from Magento — and get answers from other developers in less than one hour! Many famous bloggers actively work here.

Go to site

5. Magestore’s Magento Quiz

You don’t know how good you are and how you stack up against other developers? This tool can help you assess your knowledge with real-time Magento test with quizzes covering all topics from Magento certification exam.

Test yourself now!

6. Magestudyguide

This site provides you exam structure, and Magento knowledge you should know from each topics, all collected from many resources. However it’s still small in size and you can even contribute to the knowledge bank.

Originally published at blog.magestore.com on August 18, 2015.



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