All You Need to Know About Newsletter Marketing for Your eCommerce Website

Dennis Walters
3 min readJul 21, 2015


eCommerce websites just like other businesses which needs constant marketing. There are n number of ways that will act as a catalyst in publicizing your brand, Newsletters is one of the effective tactic out of them. You may feel it is not as effective as other methods, but let me stop you right there.

Newsletters help you to inform your customers about your current products, generate new leads, and keep your customer’s up-to-date. It is the perfect way to keep your customers engaged. And in case they do not want to receive updates they can always ‘Unsubscribe’. They are not bound to.

The ‘Unsubscribe’ button will give you a filtered database. Only those who are interested in your brand will sign-up or continue with your newsletters. Another plus point of Newsletter marketing is, that it gives you an opportunity to understand your leads and turn them into customers. It undoubtedly improves brand recall and brand recognition.

Newsletter don’t only have to be about YOUR PRODUCT, they can be about things which are related to your brand. Customers always love new, interesting things to hear from you.

Here Are a Few Tips You Must Keep In Mind While Writing a Newsletter

  • Give a catchy title
  • Keep the language simple
  • Include pictures
  • Create appealing content

Why Do I Need Subscribers?

  1. Customer Loyalty
  2. Customer engagement
  3. Brand Recall and Recognition
  4. Customers love new information and newsletters keep them coming back for more!

How Do I Get Subscribers?

Once your newsletter is set, the next step is to shoot them. But who are you going to shoot them to? That’s right! For newsletter marketing you need a number of subscribers. Let’s read a few tips on how to get more subscribers.


You may have some loyal customers but unless you show them the subscribe button, none of them will know about the newsletters. The best way to do it is to place SUBSCRIBE button on the homepage. Make sure the button is big and bright and instantly catches the eye. It shouldn’t be too ‘in-the-face’, just enough so your visitor feels tempted to click on it and fill in their e-mail address.

Pop-Ups are the Best

Whenever the visitor clicks the exit button a widget asking them to subscribe to your newsletter should pop up instantly. This grasps their attention and gives you a new lead.

Who Doesn’t Love Giveaway?

A giveaway teams up well with the exit pop-up. Tempt your visitor to subscribe by offering a free eCommerce website improvement consultation or something that can be of use to them. Free things are always a hit amongst visitors, all they have to do is type in their e-mail address.

Blog All You Can

Blogging is the best way to pull in more traffic. Your customers will always be happy to receive more knowledge. Guide your customer to buy best products from your site. Blogs keep them up dated on the current trends and happenings. Customers also feel more inclined towards your brand, which increases trust and assures customer loyalty.

Coupons and Discounts on Shopping Cart Abandonment

Don’t you just hate it when your visitor does everything right bur abandons the shopping cart at the last moment? Although there is nothing you can do to stop them, you can always get their e-mail IDs. This way you can keep shooting newsletters into their mailbox, reminding them about the abandoned shopping cart. With constant mailing you will be able to regain the customer. You obviously cannot ask them to keep coming back, this will repulse them. Newsletter is the best way to update your customer and remind them about the unattended shopping cart.

The Final Outcome!

If you follow the above points thoroughly, you are likely to get n number of subscribers. It may take a while, but with patience and consistency nothing is impossible. You can also offer coupon codes or other perks in order to increase subscription.

Hope this has strengthened your belief in Newsletter Marketing! So use this technique and watch your sales boom!

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