How to Choose Magento Theme for your eCommerce Website

Dennis Walters
4 min readAug 5, 2015


Magento is an open-source content management system that lets you create and manage your own eCommerce web portals or sites. eCommerce has come into its own in the past decade. The internet’s reach has also improved in all this time and that has led to an explosion of sorts in terms of business and sheer number of people using the internet every day. Magento is best suited for your eCommerce needs because it is an open-source software which means that it is updated from time to time by third party sources.

While building a website using Magento you usually have two options to start your online store. The first option is to create your own template. This involves a lot of development and coding. It takes considerable time and effort and is only for people who really want a website to their own specifications. The second option is to select one of Magento’s pre-built themes.

No matter what route you choose, you will need to keep a few pointers in mind if you want a website that functions efficiently for a long time. The following pointers are very important for an efficient Magento eCommerce website development assisted experience:

  1. User Friendly Layout: An interface for any eCommerce website needs to be such that it captures the attention of the consumer with its look. The interface should be easy to use above all other things. The buttons are placed in reachable places; the menu is meaningful, the navigation is very simple and so on. All these things make for a webpage that is easy to use and navigate. After that is the one thing that it must be good for if not anything else.Proper Location of Banners: Successful stores always have delegated space on their home pages for advertisements of all kinds. Since ad block and the rest of the hoopla catches the customer’s attention quite efficiently, the fact that you have a proper space dedicated on your web page for ads works well for your sales.
    Appropriate Template and Layout: The theme and layout of your website should be hand in glove with the product or service that you’re selling. A layout that doesn’t gel with the product that you’re selling is a bad layout and it works against your business not for it. So if your website is selling fashion accessories then let your layout be trendy and modern. If you’re selling gadgets and gizmos then let the website have a bit of a classic feel. Make sure that no matter which type of layout you choose, it should have a contemporary feel.
    Social Media Elements: In today’s time Social Media decides whether a thing works or no. If your product or website trends on either Facebook or Twitter then you have made it to the upper echelons of society. That’s how powerful social media is. Make sure your theme has built in icons for both Facebook and Twitter. Other icons for relevant websites will also better your customer relationship. Theme Personalization: Themes are generally customization friendly and you must ensure that your theme is distinct and has a character of its own that distinguishes it from competitors. The color, CSS and background are the primary customizable options. Please note that a single themed layout will not work for a long time because the world keeps changing and so do the trends. You have to always be sure to keep up with the times.
    SEO Friendly: Magento as a platform is already SEO friendly. Your theme needs to follow all the usual coding practices and other precautions that ensure its SEO friendliness. Theme Speed: Website speed is one of the main issues due to which Google de-ranks websites. The user theme of your website should not contain heavy graphics or any such thing that hinders its speed. Built-in Blog: SEO experts will confirm this; that your content is the biggest asset of them all and it decides to a large extent whether your website is SEO friendly. Having a built-in blog in your theme will only increase your SEO friendliness. Mobile-Friendly: Research has proved that around 50% customers visit online stores through their mobile phones. Google has recently released the Mobile Geddon Algorithm to de-rank non-friendly websites. This rating will affect your sales crucially so better have a mobile friendly website to get a good rating and in turn more customers.Cross Browser’s Compatibility: The users that will visit your website surely don’t use a uniform browser. They all must have different browsers. This should not be a hindrance for the performance of your website. Make sure that your theme is able to provide full support.

All these tips will help your theme be of optimum use. It will ensure that your products are sold. For further details contact the official website.

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