The Future Of eCommerce [Infographic]

Dennis Walters
2 min readSep 30, 2015


The landscape of eCommerce is constantly changing. 2015 has already been a big year for eCommerce developments; we have seen a rise in social commerce and the development of delivery drones in recent months. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are moving themselves closer towards resembling standalone shopping channels.

Along with smaller developers working away on their drones, Amazon and Google are leading the race to get unmanned aircraft delivering parcels. It’s estimated that 12% of an estimated $98 billion in cumulative global spending on aerial drones over the next decade will be for commercial purposes.

The eCommerce sector will continue to evolve for many years, and not just in the way that technology is used by consumers and businesses.

Yes, we are beginning to see the introduction of new technologies in eCommerce, but we are also seeing the development of existing technology and a shift in the communication channels that consumers wish to use. Relatively new customer service channels such as social media and live chat are growing in popularity, whereas robotic phone and email support is seeing a decline. Consumers want personal interactions, provided in a convenient manner.

In the future of eCommerce, we can expect that customer experience shall begin to play a much more crucial role in brand differentiation. Consumers expect much more from their favourite brands and expect their customer service representatives and sales teams to be highly knowledgeable on both products and processes.

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The infographic below outlines some of the big changes that are arriving in eCommerce and the pressures that will shape them in the coming years.

This infographic originally appeared on The Chat Shop blog.

Originally published at on September 30, 2015.



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