Will Magento 2 be a boom?

Dennis Walters
2 min readSep 15, 2015


It’s kinda hard to ignore Magento 2’s news around here, especially when the official version is going to be launched (though we do not know the time exactly). Let’s see how hot Magento 2 has been being until now:

Magento 2 trend:

The fact is that Magento 2 was announced 3 years ago today, and finally it’s going to be released, really. Everybody knows that so there’s an uprising trend, and the slope has been even steeper recently. It seems that the closer “G-time” comes, the hotter the trend is.

Who are talking about Magento 2:

We are excited to announce #magento2 Developer Beta Release on Dec 18! Register to attend a webinar to learn more http://t.co/vakWfDljjs — Elena Leonova (@elena_a_leonova) November 25, 2014

Elena Leonova, a Magento product manager, has been spreading her words about Magento 2. During Meet Magento Belarus 2014 she had a great speech of “Magento 2: What to expect and when?” (You can review her slides here)

Not often that you can get me & @alanstorm working on your #Magento2 install… #PNWPHP pic.twitter.com/iV2XFtoz2h

— Ben Marks (@benmarks) September 13, 2015

Just placed my first #magento2 order. The speed with fullpage cache is great. pic.twitter.com/cQVNi0MDKx — Benjamin Wunderlich (@BWunderlich) December 18, 2014

This will be a weekend of anticipation. We’re all prepared for getting #Magento2 EE Beta access, waiting for confirmation from @Magento

— Inchoo (@inchoo) September 11, 2015

And within last 30 days, there’re 407 posts using hashtag #magento2 by 191 users, reaching nearly 170,000 with more than 400,000 impression:

Every developer is excited about Magento 2, i bet you are, too.

If you are just about to start with Magento 2, find basic stuff here!

Originally published at blog.magestore.com on September 14, 2015.



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